Since 2005 World Naked Gardening day has taken place on the first Saturday of May each year. Yes, #nakedgardeningday is a thing.
You may now be wondering, why would anybody want to garden naked?
Here’s five reasons why you should try naked gardening this year!
1. Being outside in the sunshine is healthy for the body and emotions. When you garden naked, you get the benefits of vitamin D on every part of your skin, and you can even rid your farmer’s tan a little, too. (Maybe consider sunscreen for your more tender bits!)
2. Gardening naked is a multi-sensory experience. When the wind blows, you’ll feel it against every angle and curve of your body. The sun’s warming rays feel great on those parts of you that are typically covered up.
3. Gardening is a natural antidepressant. Microbes in healthy garden soil contain B12 which is key for mental health, and new studies show that getting dirty outside helps lift your mood. Plus, you get to commune with nature in a way that just doesn’t happen when you’re fully dressed.
4. Gardening naked helps us get over society’s body image issues. Whether you’re alone or with friends, gardening naked is a great way to promote body acceptance and “rewild” ourselves as natural beings.
5. Have fun with suggestive photos. Why not get creative with your photos by using carefully-placed flowers and leaves, interesting shadows, and angles? All the cool folks on Instagram are doing it.
The thirteenth annual World Naked Gardening Day is May 4, 2019. So get out there and get naked!
Just maybe choose a different day to use power tools or attack those nettles....